Year 3 2024 - 2025

Welcome to Year 3


Moonstone Class

This year, the staff in Moonstone Class are:

Mrs Henstock

Mrs Booth

Mrs Bolton

Mrs Hughes


Coral Class

This year, the staff in Coral Class are:

Miss Kirkley

Mrs Booth

Mrs Bolton

Mrs Hughes


Your child will be bringing their reading book home in their book bag every night.  Please read with them as often as you can.  If your child reads at least 3 times a week, they will earn a ‘Reading Champion’ sticker and will work towards a termly reward with Mrs Rahman with all of the Reading Champions across Richmond Academy!

Online Learning

All children have a login to Purple Mash, TT Rockstars and Accelerated Reader and Sumdog.  Homework will often be set on these websites or via Microsoft Teams.  Your child will receive Comprehension, Maths and English and it is due the following Wednesday. 

To keep children safe online they have been taught to keep their passwords and logins safe from others. 

Children can login to Purple Mash here, TT Rockstars here , Accelerated Reader here and Sumdog here

MyOn is also used to promote reading. All children have been given their log in. This is a great way to read more than just the weekly reading book.


PE Kits will be needed on the following days:

Moonstone Class:

Thursday: Indoor PE

Friday: Outdoor PE


Coral Class

Tuesday: Swimming

Friday: Outdoor PE

Coral Class will be having swimming lessons in the Autumn Term and Moonstone Class will be having their swimming lessons in the Spring Term. Girls will need to have a swimming costume, swimming cap, towel and boys will need swimming trunks and a towel for these lessons. 


This year, our topics will be:

Autumn 1: Location, Location, Location

Autumn 2: Stones ‘N’ Bones

Spring 1:  Violent Earth

Spring 2:  A Taste of the Mayans

Summer 1: Walk like an Egyptian

Summer 2: The Noble Nile


Please keep checking our Year 3 page for further updates about our super learning.

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Year 3: Blog items

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